Thursday, January 26, 2012

LIFE Skill: get organized

Yes I get a new start! So I expected 2012 to start with a bang, I would be extremely productive and do all these things I was interested in. In some areas it has been extremely fruitful, (for example travel and social life).
Travel - I already went to Italy for my January trip
Social Life - I have plans to see Stickfly on Sunday, I had a uber duber big sister reunion, etc
Activities -I frequent salsa classes, completed my kickboxing sessions and go to the sauna when I want to.

But other things like, language learning….pssshh.. I started out well with Hindi but I haven’t been consistent with French and Mandarin. So I was feeling disappointed because of my half-victory. But then Chinese New Year rolled around and gave me a new start lol! (PS Ellen I am super grateful for your Chinese New Year gift- thanks a million, means a ton to me!). I am a lunar calendar kinda girl, gimme the moon any day.

My girlfriend seemed to be having the same feelings and sent me an email asking me how to be more organized since I usually balance a pretty busy life. I think its very basic

Write a list of everything that needs to get done (and get it done)
Ensure you know what is priority
Keep a tracker- Outlook/Google calendar for automated reminders, otherwise buy a planner and keep track on paper
Command your day the night before- write a list of the top 3 things you want to accomplish as well as other realistic action items – if you do it the day of, you are already behind on schedule!

Learn how to say no unapologetically!- sometimes you really can't- it is such a struggle for me to tell someone NO but I have to learn, can I practice on you? :)
Be realistic- Rome wasn’t built in one day- don’t try to accomplish too much, you will feel overwhelmed, its better to have 6 things on a list and feel accomplished when you get them all done than to have 12 and feel disappointed

Spiritual (yes include God in EVERYTHING- why not? He cares!)

Commit your plans to God, you do your best and He will do the rest
Command your morning - tell the satanic squatters to bounce!
Pray for favor, wisdom and guidance to complete your tasks

Here is something else that may help: BAGELS

B is for Behaviors for today. My to-do list. What do you want to
accomplish for today?
A is for Affirmations. Say something good or nice about yourself.
G is for Goals. Write down your major goals in present tense with a
date on them.
E is for Evaluate Yesterday. How did it go?
L is for Lesson Learned yesterday. Write down one thing I did and
learned yesterday.
S is for Success I had yesterday. One thing I did well. Does not have
to be business related

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